
Now Out!

Maximize Your Reign

Maximize Your Reign is your roadmap to starting and creating your unique path of influence as a titleholder. It shows you how to put your crown at work in a purposeful way.

When you get the opportunity of a lifetime of becoming a titleholder, remember that the crown must be maximized for impact. 

To all the aspiring Queens out there, whether you’re already competing for a crown or still questioning if you’ll ever wear one, this guide is for you.

Affirm Your Way to the Crown

Affirm Your Way to the Crown is a collection of 70 affirmation cards for different aspects of a pageant competition focused on empowering contestants as they take on a great adventure to the crown.

Whether you’re competing for a pageant, working towards a particular goal, or learning how to wear your crown of life, these cards with select Bible verses associated with each affirmation is curated to help you stay grounded on a solid foundation of your identity.

Congratulations as you take a critical step of affirming your way to the crown!

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